As many of you know, I’ve been a successful online marketer in a variety of different niches since the year 1999.
I first started this mastermind almost a decade ago and we used to run it in Las Vegas.
Then after running it there for a few years, we decided to shift it to different locations each year, including Maui, Niagara Falls, New Zealand and now coming up to this year’s event in Austin :)
The mastermind is not a ‘profit’ mastermind, in that I don’t make a profit from running it.
My focus is a selfish one, I’m here to learn, from you and from others attending. There’s more money to be made from growing the business than there is by profiting from attendees at this exclusive event.
The price of the mastermind goes into the costs of running it, including food, event venue hire, drinks, and more. We go all out to make sure this is the best possible event we can run, both for you, and ourselves (as our motivation is to grow our business also).
During the course of this mastermind you can expect to learn a lot of great cutting edge strategies that you can employ into your business to drive more conversions, traffic, higher ticket sales and more. Plus you’ll learn strategies for scaling and growth of your business.
And you’ll make great friendships, gain new JV partners and more. All this while having a lot of FUN in the process! :)
There is a limit to the number of attendees however, because I’ve found that less is more when it comes to getting a bunch of high level 6, 7 and 8 figure marketers and putting them together in one place. So that limit is 50 attendees (not including myself and my team).
If you’re reading this message it means you’ve been personally invited. I hope that I get to see you at this event, please respond back via the form below asap!
Kind regards,
What People Are Saying
What an amazing Mastermind! Thanks so much to Mark, Steph and the Unica team for putting it together. Thank you to all the speakers as well, I have already shared your wisdom with clients.
Thanks so much for a great mastermind Mark, Steph, and the Unica team! Kayla and I absolutely loved the mastermind and we're so grateful for all the new connections. You are a magnet for good people.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Mark and his team for putting on this amazing event. It’s always one of the highlights of my year. It was great to hang out with so many old friends and meet so many incredible new people in one place. Huge thanks to everyone for making this such a legendary group.
Mark Ling's Mastermind 2019
A private gathering of the most brilliant Internet Marketers from around the globe.
April 29 - May 4, 2019 | Austin, Texas
Price : $2,500
This event is fully catered, which means that this price includes Activities, Dinners, Lunches, Drinks, Venue and Equipment Hire and more...